Nasdaq Reveals Revolutionary Tech for Carbon Credits to Propel Carbon Markets

This innovative offering will be made available to market infrastructures, registry platforms, and other global service providers.

Nasdaq has introduced a groundbreaking technology aimed at securely digitizing the issuance, settlement, and safekeeping of carbon credits. This innovative offering will be made available to market infrastructures, registry platforms, and other global service providers.

The primary objective of this service is to foster the growth and institutionalization of global carbon markets. 

Currently, the carbon credit market operates with bilateral trading and significant reliance on manual processes, limiting its scalability as the market progresses. This rigidity, combined with a lack of standardization in credit data, has hindered substantial capital inflows into the market.

Nasdaq’s Cutting-Edge Carbon Credit Digitization Technology

Executive Vice President at Nasdaq, Roland Chai, highlighted the need for flexibility, standardization, and connectivity in carbon markets. He furthe( article continues at )

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