
Our pledge to support carbon removal solutions

This model of mutually reinforcing public-private support is an important tool to commercialize carbon removal solutions.

We plan to contract for at least $35 million worth of carbon credits in the next 12 months.

For the first time, the U.S. federal government is purchasing $35M in carbon removal credits through the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Carbon Dioxide Removal Purchase program and has invited companies to amplify and scale their impact with parallel initiatives. We’re proud to be the first company to pledge to match the DOE’s program dollar for dollar: through our own initiatives, we plan to contract for at least $35M worth of carbon removal credits over the next 12 months.

This model of mutually reinforcing public-private support is an important tool to commercialize carbon removal solutions. As with many emerging technologies, governments and companies have a critical and complementary role to play in demonstrating promising carbon removal approaches and bringing them to a commercial scale.

We’re working hard to reduce our own emissions across our operations and value chain, but we know that tackling global climate change will require a diverse set of tools to both reduce emissions and remove them from the atmosphere. As the IPCC highlighted in their most recent report, ( article continues at Google )

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